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National Realty Investment Advisors LLC investors have an opportunity to recover their investment losses.

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National Realty Investment Advisors LLC Securities Class Action Certification


下文列明的个人或机构(“原告”)授权并在罗森律师事务所签署随附的聘用协议后,聘请罗森律师事务所根据联邦证券法提起诉讼,以向 National Realty Investment Advisors LLC

罗森律师事务所 P.A. 将在或有费用的基础上提起诉讼,不超过追回款的三分之一,并将预付所有成本和费用。 只有在法院审查和批准后才能支付所有费用和开支。 National Realty Investment Advisors LLC 提供给原告的保留协议通过引用并入本文,并在 The Rosen Law Firm P.A. 签署和交付后生效。
